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http://www.world-newspapers.com – World Newspapers, Magazines and News Sites (in English)

http://Anzwers.com.au – one of Australia’s longest running search engines, was launched in 1996

http://www.boolify.org – site that allows students to visualize & interact with the abstract concepts behind the search process

http://www.blogs.mod.uk/onlinesecurity – compilation of very short Personal Security Online videos from the UK Ministry of Defense

http://www.austlii.edu.au – Resource of Australian legal materials, a law specific search engine

http://shuu.sh – filter that allows you to “amplify” tweets of selected users while scaling back those with frequent updates

http://showmystreet.com – interesting and sometimes efficient way of viewing addresses on Streetview

http://copyscape.com – a useful duplicate content and plagiarism detection web site

http://www.oldmapsonline.org – an easy-to-use gateway to historical maps in libraries around the world

http://archive-it.org – web archiving service for harvesting and preserving digital collections (fee based service but free to search)

http://library.duke.edu/digitalcollections/outdoor_advertising – database of 30,000+ images of current and historic advertising billboards

http://www.c-spanvideo.org/videoLibrary – More than 170,000 hours of searchable content going back to 1987 from C-SPAN, C-SPAN 2, C-SPAN3

http://taglike.me – social research tool that let’s you find, compile and share multi-media content

http://www.advertisingarchives.co.uk Searchable database of Visual Ads from present day to mid 1800’s

http://www.igovernment.in India’s 1st interactive web platform with searchable archives

http://www.google.com/flights Find flights, including international destinations, from the U.S. quickly and conveniently

http://www.world-newspapers.com – World Newspapers, Magazines and News Sites (in English)

http://ec.europa.eu Combined Search Engine & Database containing highly detailed EU based stats

http://www.britishmuseum.org Searchable Database containing over two million objects from the entire Museum collection

http://ucp.dor.wa.gov/ US based search engine for Washington residents with unclaimed property

http://www.politify.us Claiming to personalize your politics, by forecasting the financial impacts of political scenarios

http://vault.fbi.gov new “e-reading room”, containing over 3,000 declassified docs scanned into digital copies

http://www.humanline.com :a free image library devoted to civilization’s art, science & history

http://www.healthmap.org – real-time intelligence on emerging public health threats from numerous disparate data sources

http://getprismatic.com – provides a customized social news stream after it “learns how you interact on social networks”



“Search Engine Use 2012 – A Summary of Findings” from Pew Research http://goo.gl/PvSCs

Search skills are a form of literacy: “Building Good Search Skills: What Students Need to Know” http://goo.gl/MT5Kl

“Managing the Avalanche” and the ability to synthesize overwhelming amounts of information http://goo.gl/I31Om

Some thoughts on the broader context of what social media means for Law Enforcement when sharing information http://goo.gl/WJqqq

Is co-regulation key to safer internet? Apparently so: http://goo.gl/dU7Ki

Safe in the US, but likely not in Britain: Twitter could be liable in UK for unlawful comments made in tweets http://goo.gl/C2oQs

Airlines use Facebook to find compatible seatmates http://goo.gl/SpZpM

Number of firms blocking access to social media declining 10% a year http://goo.gl/66RLU

Indian govt proposes agency with real-time capabilities to monitor internet traffic http://goo.gl/wVXLa

Twitter adds Arabic and Hebrew languages http://goo.gl/p2rW9

In “Information Age,” Society Has No Backup, Doctors Warn http://goo.gl/ShP1T

Jeddah Economic Forum Experts call for judicious use of social networking http://goo.gl/W5Djg

South Australia launches new emergency website http://goo.gl/uGFfV

Google announces that it is expanding its SSL encrypted search option globally http://goo.gl/kMQt5

Legal questions continue to surround Google’s privacy policy http://goo.gl/QcxYv

A unique spin on a viral topic: “Take My Privacy, Please! A Defense of Google” http://goo.gl/TdOA6

FBI turns to Facebook for information about an Armoured Car Heist http://goo.gl/wbzLP

On Google’s new privacy policy, Mathew Ingram says “Being Tracked by Google Isn’t Bad—It’s Actually Good” http://goo.gl/X6DVe

Social Media’s impact on political activism: http://goo.gl/FhMNE

The good, bad and ugly of social media http://goo.gl/jnqdy

IBM user group survey finds that 75% of companies aren’t collecting social media information http://goo.gl/c4WT4

Campus Technology reports on how Social Media can be used as an effective teaching tool http://goo.gl/4hw38

Police uploading mugshots to Facebook drawing concerns http://goo.gl/xl1Zm

South Africa: Internet users should be wary of an int’l phone scam that allows full access to their computer http://goo.gl/PdR4K

Internet Economy could hit $4.2 trillion by 2016 http://goo.gl/6uq43

Computer (Programming) Literacy: “A Surge in Learning the Language of the Internet” http://goo.gl/5rJXh

Tackling Internet bullies: “The curse of the internet trolls” http://goo.gl/d6a53

Facial Recognition Software Guesses Age Based on a Photo http://www.petapixel.com/2012/03/30/facial-recognition-software-guesses-age-based-on-a-photo

The personal info left by routine online activities makes “Privacy a thing of the past in modern digital world” http://goo.gl/s4Kz6

UK law for real-time access of Internet traffic: “Digital surveillance ‘practically impossible'” says ISP CTO http://goo.gl/lQUkp

Good overview of the Information Security OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) Loop http://goo.gl/30Nqm

“Impact of Social Media on National Security” – paper by Carabinieri Capt. Alfonso Montagnese http://goo.gl/SlrYh

Now with 30,000 objects available in super-high resolution, “Google adds 46 more museum tours” http://goo.gl/uLYfh

Ugly digital battles target family: “New Reputation-Smearing Tactic: Going After A Toddler’s Internet Footprint” http://goo.gl/7wZ0b

“Everything You Wanted to Know About Data Mining but Were Afraid to Ask” http://goo.gl/nzJiM

“Hunting the Craigslist Killer – An untold detective story from the digital frontier” http://goo.gl/8Fqg6

“ACLU’s dream; the FBI’s worst nightmare”, ISP being built to “shield its customers from surveillance” http://goo.gl/Pcpof

This news content is sourced from the The TII Online Research Newsletter – April 17th, 2012

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