Monday 3rd March 2025
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Comsure operates in:the UK, Jersey, Guernsey


In Krolls 2015 ABC Report, Kroll asked respondents to identify what they considered to be the type of corrupt behavior the chief compliance officer must guard against.

The primary answers are

  1. bribery (93%),
  2. money laundering (61%),
  3. bid-rigging (60%), and
  4. price fixing (56%).

Trailing further behind “the big four” corruption risks are

  1. conflict minerals (27%) and
  2. human trafficking (26%).

When focusing on the main concern — bribery — best practice is to incorporate six principles:

  1. proportionality,
  2. top level commitment,
  3. organizational risk assessment,
  4. due diligence,
  5. communication, and
  6. monitoring

These principles form a framework for assessing relevant

  1. policies,
  2. procedures and
  3. controls

Typically, the types of misconduct uncovered during bribery risk assessments include:

  1. Slush funds that enable off-books payments by agents
  1. Agent payments to foreign officials
  1. Concealment of bribes to foreign officials
  1. Agents providing goods and services to a charitable group owned or operated by a foreign official as a bribe, and
  1. Misappropriation of funds due to control weaknesses.

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