Monday 28th October 2024
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Comsure operates in:the UK, Jersey, Guernsey

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States vote in Data Protection Legislation

We are delighted to announce the States Assembly this morning unanimously voted in favour of the draft Data Protection (Jersey) Law 201- and Data Protection Authority (Jersey) Law 201-. The laws are now on track to go to the Privy Council for approval and come into force in line with the EU GDPR timetable. The […]

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Jerseys draft data protection legislation

Jerseys draft data protection legislation, the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 201- and Data Protection Authority (Jersey) Law 201- has been lodged “au Greffe”. They can be found at the following link on the States Assembly website, with the references P.116/2017 and P.117/2017. A press release was sent out, which can be found at this link. Also attached for your reference a […]

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States of Jersey – Cyber Security Strategy, CiSP and Cyber Essentials

The States of Jersey have confirmed that the Cyber Essentials certification will be considered a minimum standard for businesses and will be required for data sharing Government contracts from 2018, with it being a requirement of all Government contracts from 2020. They have also announced their Cyber Security Strategy for the Island – read here […]

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JFSC AML CTF Sanctions Overview

JFSC and Government of Jersey gave a presentation on 6 December on how UN and EU sanctions are implemented in and affect Jersey businesses. Key points that may not always be as prominent as they should be:- The process for suspected sanctions breaches to Minister For External Relations The need to obtain a license […]

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Jersey CRS Penalties for non-compliance

The DRAFT TAXATION (IMPLEMENTATION)(INTERNATIONAL TAX COMPLIANCE)(COMMON REPORTING STANDARD)(JERSEY) REGULATIONS 201- (Draft CRS Regulations) have now been lodged with the States of Jersey Jersey practitioners will be reassured to see (at Articles 10 – 18) the inclusion of expanded penalty provisions which seems to more accurately reflect the position adopted by the IoM/UK; that is to […]

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HBME JFSC investigation remains outstanding.

In the States of Jersey official report dated Tuesday, 5th November 2013 (5.18) it is reported that Deputy G.P. Southern asked  Does the Chief Minister have any information on when the J.F.S.C. (Jersey Financial Services Commission) may product its report on the activities of HSBC Middle East, as promised earlier in the year? Senator I.J. […]

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