Risk profiling: what are the options?
Risk profiling: what are the options? In the past few years there has been a trend among financial advisers away from in-house investment selection towards using outsourced risk-targeted funds in model portfolios to satisfy clients’ asset allocation and investment needs. A recent survey by NMG Consulting showed that advisers are using a range of methods […]
Read MoreFSA statement on Johnny Cameron
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has been carrying out an investigation into Johnny Cameron, former Executive Director of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc (RBS) and former Chairman of Global Markets. Following this investigation Cameron has agreed to settle with the FSA on the basis that he has undertaken to the FSA that he […]
Read MoreFrauds with E-Mails Expose IT risk
“I am in trouble, please, send me money,” hackers swindle people trouble – “I have been robbed at the airport in London, please, send me 1,450 pounds to get back home!,” reads an e-mail which was sent to over 400 friends of the chair of the Center of NGOs in the town of Razgrad Georgi […]
Read MoreChanges to the approved persons’ regime to improve corporate governance
The FSA consults on changes to the approved persons’ regime to improve corporate governance. On 28 January 2010, the FSA published a consultation paper entitled: “Effective corporate governance (Significant influence controlled functions and the Walker review)” (CP10/3). The FSA’s proposals reflect its ongoing work on governance in regulated firms and address a number of the […]
Read MoreIslamic finance and ensuring the agreement is upheld in a dispute
Islamic finance and ensuring the agreement is upheld in the event of a dispute – what should investors or other parties to an agreement with an Islamic finance institution do to ensure that the agreement is upheld in the event of a dispute? They should: ensure they obtain and fully review the constitutional documents of […]
Read MoreMan arrested in relation to allegations of insider dealing
On 19 May 2010, the FSA published a press release announcing that, with the assistance of the City of London Police, it has carried out searches at an address in East London and that a man aged 39 has been arrested in relation to allegations of insider dealing. The FSA has not provided any further […]
Read MoreDomestic PEPs the same as foreign ones, says FSA…!!!
MLROs should treat domestic PEPs the same as foreign ones, says FSA – Firms should treat domestic politically exposed persons in much the same way they treat foreign PEPs, the Financial Services Authority told money laundering reporting officers yesterday. HM Treasury also told the MLROs that it was thinking about extending the time limit that […]
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