Friday 25th October 2024
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Comsure operates in:the UK, Jersey, Guernsey

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Jerseys draft data protection legislation

Jerseys draft data protection legislation, the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 201- and Data Protection Authority (Jersey) Law 201- has been lodged “au Greffe”. They can be found at the following link on the States Assembly website, with the references P.116/2017 and P.117/2017. A press release was sent out, which can be found at this link. Also attached for your reference a […]

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Should you share you client details with overseas advisors and others (NO?)?

Channel Islands firms (especially trustees) should ensure that information relating to their deliberations and the exercise of their discretion (including any legal advice they seek) remains in Jersey/Guernsey (Channel Islands).  Where overseas (outside the channel islands) advisers are used (e.g., the UK) there is a danger that such information may be disclosed under the data […]

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Jersey Principal Person Banned after Data Protection breach

Public Statement on Mr Stephen Lee Ross (“Mr Ross”), born 8 February 1962 – Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998, as amended (the “Financial Services Law”) The Jersey Financial Services Commission issues this public statement under Article 25(a) of the Financial Services Law with respect to directions issued to Mr Ross under Article 23 of the […]

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Jersey: Data Protection – A Warning to Bloggers!

In the recent case of AB and Others v Syvret [2013] JLC 170, the Royal Court had to consider for the first time in Jersey (in a civil context) the impact of the regulatory regime in Jersey under the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2005 (the DPL) upon online blog sites. It further had to determine […]

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