Monday 28th October 2024
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UK DUAL criminality test creeps towards the single test with the Criminal Finances Bill amended

An amendment to the Criminal Finances Bill (the Bill) WILL amend the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) to allow the High Court to make orders designating the conduct of a person – wherever it occurs – as connected to a gross human rights abuse, and to set prohibitions on that person’s ability to deal […]

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“Understanding The Impact of the Proposed ‘Failure to Prevent’ Corporate Offence.”

The UK tax authority’s (HM Revenue & Customs) campaign against tax evasion will be bolstered, from autumn 2017, by a new corporate criminal offence of failing to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion. The offence appears in Part 3 of the Criminal Finances Bill which was introduced into Parliament in October 2016 Under the new […]

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Criminal Finances Bill Included in Queen’s Speech

HM The Queen’s Speech included plans to introduce a Criminal Finances Bill which will reform the UK laws on proceeds of crime, including provisions to strengthen enforcement powers and to protect the public. The main elements of the Bill are: the introduction of a criminal offence for corporations who fail to stop their staff facilitating […]

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