Sunday 27th October 2024
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Must read white papers by David Thomas

Must read white papers – David Thomas was Head of the UK FIU from 2006 to 2010, having earlier been appointed by Sir Stephen Lander (Chair of the UK’s Serious Organised Crime Agency and former Director-General of MI5) to be the financial crime expert to review and to improve the UK Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Regime. During his time as Head of UK FIU David received a commendation from the UK
Home Secretary for ‘vision, leadership and technical expertise’. He is internationally recognised as an expert in developing aligned Anti money laundering strategies with a deep understanding of suspicious activity reporting (SAR), money laundering threats, terrorist financing and wider financial crime. David was Project Leader and Chair for the FATF’s project to design, research, and author the first Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Global Threat Assessment published in July 2010. From 2006 to 2007 David served on the Egmont Group Committee and subsequently to 2010 he participated in each annual Plenary, and the Operational and Training Working Groups, frequently presenting the UK experience.

Paper 1 – The Psychology of Money Launderers by David Thomas – Understand who you are really doing business with.
Statement of intent – Understanding more about why money launderers behave in the way they do will assist ‘Anti Money Launderers’
to undertake their roles more effectively.

Profiling Part 2: The Psychology of Anti Money Launderers – April 13, 2011 – This paper follows ‘The Psychology of Money Launderers’ and is inspired by the collection of Chinese war strategies ‘The Art of War’ attributed to Sun Tzu.

Profiling Part 3: The Practice of Profiling  – April 13, 2011 – This paper follows ‘The Psychology of Money Launderers’ and the ‘Psychology of Anti Money Launderers’ and extends the thinking to the practice of profiling.


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