Handbook For The Prevention And Detection Of Money Laundering And The Financing Of Terrorism For Financial Services Business Regulated Under The Regulatory Laws.
1. This part of the Handbook sets out the amendments applied as a consequence of changes to the Money Laundering Order and other relevant legislation and comments received on the clarity and practical implementation of the Handbook.
2. Amendments are afforded a log entry in section 2 and 3 of Part 4. The information contained in sections 2 and 3 is identical except that the log in section 2 is ordered by Handbook section whereas section 3 logs the amendments in order of date applied.
3. In both sections the log entry comprises the following information
- section of the Handbook amended;
- paragraph(s) within the section that have been amended;
- date amendment was applied;
- detail(s) of the amendment(s) applied ; and
- rationale for applying the amendment.
4. Grammatical and typographical amendments will not be entered into the log.
5. This log of amendments does not obviate the Commission of the need to consult on amendments to the Handbook.
The rest of the document can be found at: http://goo.gl/8m5Ysv