Services to Government and Regulatory Authorities
Comsure provides an experienced and flexible resource to government and regulatory authorities in the following areas…
- Financial services and AML/CFT issues across financial services Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professionals and Non Profit Organisations.
- Citizenship programmes
- Competition law
Against these core areas Comsure recognises an essential element of achieving proper political and public confidence as well as protecting a government and or regulatory authority is
- Sound governance and clear accountability and
- Establishing an international persona and
- Building an effective inter-agency co-operation
In these areas Comsure:
- Can assist authorities develop their approach
- Provide positive guidance on how to secure effective cross border relationships, inter-regulatory co-operation and / or proper engagement with international bodies.
- Review current arrangements and advise on areas for improvement, and / or provide assurance on existing measures to ensure they meet best practice (either oversee agency and or local government)
Click below to read more about our core services