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DLA Piper’s Anti-money Laundering Bulletin – Spring 2017

DLA Piper’s Financial Services Regulatory team has issued there Spring 2017 edition of its Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Bulletin. In this issue, they provide updates on AML developments and enforcement actions in the UK and internationally, including:

UK News and enforcement action

  1. HM Treasury updates advisory notice on money laundering and terrorist financing controls in overseas jurisdictions
  2. Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy publishes discussion paper on the beneficial ownership provisions of MLD4
  3. FCA speech by Robert Gruppetta on FCA’s financial crime priorities
  4. Home Secretary gives speech on legislative developments and government commitment to anti-money laundering
  5. Deutsche Bank fined by FCA for AML control failings
  6. Cutting red tape review of the UK’s anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing regime
  7. HM Treasury’s second consultation on Money Laundering Regulations 2017
  8. HM Government to create office for professional body for anti-money laundering supervision
  9. FCA issues guidance consultation on treatment of politically exposed persons under draft Money Laundering Regulations 2017

International news

  1. FATF guidance on criminalising terrorist finance
  2. European Commission’s roadmap on proposal for Directive on Criminalisation of Money Laundering
  3. Joint Committee of ESAs publishes final guidelines on risk-based supervision under MLD4
  4. Basel Committee on banking supervision issues consultation document on revisions to correspondent banking guidance
  5. ECB publishes opinion on proposed directive amending MLD4
  6. Developments on Fifth Money Laundering Directive
  7. Proposal for a Countering Money Laundering Directive issued by the European Commission
  8. Delay of MLD4 RTS confirmed by the European Supervisory Authorities
  9. Transparency International publishes report on public disclosure of AML statistics
  10. Joint Committee of ESAs publishes opinion on money laundering and terrorist financing risks
  11. Extension of sanctions over actions against Ukraine’s territorial integrity

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