Public Statement – Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998, as amended (the “Law”) – Mr Aidan Piers Barrington-Ward (“Mr Barrington-Ward”) – Former Compliance Manager – Born: 13 November 1963 in Oxford – of: Loge Dauphin, Les Chenolles, St John, Jersey, JE3 4FB. The Jersey Financial Services Commission (the “Commission”) issues this public statement under Article 25(a) of the Law with respect to a direction that the Commission has given under Article 23 of the Law to Mr Barrington-Ward.
Following an investigation into the fitness and propriety of Mr Barrington-Ward, the Commission decided, having regard to all of the circumstances of the case, that it was necessary and appropriate to restrict Mr Barrington-Ward’s future employment within the finance industry through the use of a direction given under Article 23 of the Law. Mr Barrington-Ward has been issued with equivalent directions under each of the other regulatory laws1.
The directions shall remain in force until such time as Mr Barrington-Ward satisfies the Commission that there are no longer any grounds justifying the directions, in which case the directions may be withdrawn or varied. The reason for the directions arose from Mr Barrington-Ward’s conduct which, when considered with reference to the provisions of the regulatory laws, was that Mr Barrington-Ward produced to a regulated trust company:
- a forged certificate which suggested that, through the University of the State of New York, he was a Certified Public Accountant; and
- a forged certificate which suggested that he had achieved a Master of Business Administration Degree in Corporate Finance from the University of Rochester.
Mr Barrington-Ward will commit an offence, under Article 23(15) of the Law, in the event that he contravenes the direction. There are similar offences under each of the other regulatory laws. Any person with information to indicate that such an offence has been committed is asked to contact the Commission.
Any person who allows Mr Barrington-Ward to perform a function, engage in employment or hold any position in relation to a registered person knowing that such performance, engagement or holding is in contravention of the directions will commit a criminal offence.
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