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Tax Agencies Draw Up ‘Target List’ of Offshore Enablers

Tax agencies from 30 countries convened in Paris this week to take part in the largest ever simultaneous exchange of tax information and to share results and details on thousands of investigations sparked by the Panama Papers.

The meeting of the Joint International Taskforce on Shared Intelligence and Collaboration (JITSIC), an informal grouping of tax agencies, was held on January 16 and 17 in Paris at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

In a press release after the meeting, JITSIC called the event “historic,” and said the meeting included the largest ever simultaneous exchange of information as agencies sought to coordinate and collaborate on tax investigations.

The tax agencies in attendance have reportedly audited more than 1,700 taxpayers, have made more than 2,550 requests for information and have identified a “target list” of 100 intermediaries – lawyers, bankers, accountants and others who help wealthy individuals and companies set up and use tax havens – for further investigation.

“Large numbers of taxpayers” had also come forward voluntarily to come clean on their offshore assets, JITSIC announced.

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